
Together, we can make battlefield intelligence integrated, accurate and actionable

Viasat is uniquely positioned to support JADC2, eliminate the stove-piping of data, and streamline communications across all the military services

With over three decades of leveraging commercial innovation into defense applications, 数据集成, network interoperability and security have been integral to Viasat's mission. Today, that mission is well-aligned with the Department of 国防’s Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) initiative to connect formerly disparate systems into a unified network and enable resilient communications for sensors and shooters across the services.

A warfighter connected to the battlefield of things using Viasat JADC2 capabilities
JADC2 will revolutionize battlefield communications and keep more warfighters safe

当完成, it will enable warfighters to make high-stake decisions at-speed with the best available tactical information, and greatly increase successful mission outcomes.

目前,美国.S. Military’s comms ecosystem consists of “stovepiped” networks and devices designed for individual military services rather than joint warfare. 基于云的系统, JADC2 will collect and integrate intelligence, 监测, and reconnaissance data from sensors across the U.S. military, and then use AI to identify targets. This creates the potential for a vast, real-time kill chain where targeting data from numerous sensors is relayed, 评估, and distributed across service and theater boundaries, enabling strikes on time-sensitive targets with long-range fires.

Viasat has deep roots in delivering cutting-edge commercial technology to help solve the U.S. Armed Forces’ most challenging problems

See how we've leveraged our experience, expertise and technological “glue” to link data across services and bring the JADC2 vision to reality:


菲律宾bg视讯官网的工作 with the DoD on the integration of 5G networking for Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO) and the broader JADC2 strategy will enhance the warfighter’s ability to produce, 消费, and make sense of mission-critical data at the point and time of need across highly dispersed forces in congested/contested environments to support EABO and JADC2 enablement.


Viasat’s 卫星通信 business serves as a model for the integration JADC2 demands. Even with Viasat’s global network, 包括伙伴卫星, 供应商, 卫星网络, there will still be a need for integration and interoperability with other networks to help ensure reliable, 有弹性的连接.

Special operations applications

与美国.S. Special Operations Command's (SOCOM) need to seamlessly link data across services to enable faster operations, we have helped bring a JADC2 vision to reality by applying our cutting-edge commercial tech and rapidly deploying advanced miltiary operational capabilities for their most critical missions. 


Viasat’s networks integrate all warfighting domains – strategic, operational and tactical – offering redundancy and technological agility to maintain information dominance in congested, contested and competitive environments. 


互操作性 is the foundation of what’s needed to enable enhanced data transport capabilities. Common standards are needed at the network layer to allow users and data to move more freely between disparate systems. However, government and commercial industry alignment is needed to make it happen at scale.


The efficiencies and benefits of a single, military-wide communications system are undeniable, but will create a larger attack surface and a tempting target for adversaries. Fortunately, Viasat has deep experience bringing myriad waveforms together across its networks. Delivering over 500 terabytes (TB) of data across our networks every day, Viasat uses big data analytics on over 2.4 billion daily events enabling advanced visibility into the threat landscape, 定制威胁情报, 和修复.


Viasat can leverage its private sector experience, 创新引擎, and understanding of defense to bring forward next-gen communications capabilities — whether it's 5G, 自由空间光学, or other Low Probability of Intercept/Detect waveforms — and deliver more reliable connectivity in anti-access/area denial environments.

U的出现.S. Department of 国防 (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.